Well, I should be able to catch up to all my blogger friends and do some more of my own as I am housebound. We were at our cottage the last few days of December to clean up after our last renters. They left dog shit in the back yard and didn't vacuum or wash floors on their way out. They didn't clean the ceiling fans in each room either, or the windows, or wash the curtains.
It was looking good when we went there in the middle of the month and they had been so responsible that I gave them their damage deposit back. They were not sleeping there anymore and only had a vacuum and cleaning supplies left. I am such an naive nerd.
I hired a painter for 3 days to freshen this room as it hadn't been done for 12-15 years. It was looking tired. I had to wash all the walls with TSP and do the prep while he painted behind me. I also got him to do the inside of the pantry which I had washed and primed (as the paint was 25 years old) so we weren't sure if it was oil-based or latex. So while cleaning the outside windows on a step stool that wasn't set down evenly, I got bucked off onto my butt and right knee. Fortunately a friend had come to see the paint colours and heard me fall. Old Man didn't. She went back to her house and got me some crutches.
I had a sleepless night using Ibuprophen.
It was very swollen very quickly and would not hold any weight. The other leg was scraped and bruised too, but useable, thank God. My friend finished up a list of things I still had to do the next day after the painter and the not-so-fastidious former renters. The new renter got moved in on time.
I am now on crutches, with a knee brace that another friend brought me and showed me how to use. It is an annoying thing to work with, using all those velcro straps that keep trying to copulate, but I am getting it organized now and it surely does relieve the strain.
I had been wishing for one of Charlie's elastic stockings.
My friends were on the spot and have visited and swept floors and washed all my pajamas..... I call them my Cinderella Crones, instead of my Camping Crones right now.
I will be very frustrated/bored for a few weeks. It takes forever to do morning ablutions and get on a fresh set of pajamas.
But I will catch up with all of you and maybe write about a few more pleasant things that happened over the last few weeks. I am going to do all my Christmas shopping on line and have letters I need to write for Amnesty International before Human Rights Day on December 10.
After only 3 days it is hardly painful at all, unless I try to do ballet plies. I am putting some weight on it but afraid to move without the crutches yet. The swelling is going down. The bruises are getting darker and itchy so things are improving.
I need to edit and add pictures to this but can't seem to get into the edit place, it stalls. I will try again in the morning as I need to get into bed and put my leg up. I will finish this post tomorrow, hopefully.
ReplyDeleteOh Karyn!! How awful that you had such a bad fall! Thank goodness nothing is broken, but knee troubles are terrible! Renters just don't have any respect for someone else's property, and what a shame it is. It speaks to the kind of people they are, for sure. I'm so sorry they left your home is such a mess. Will you list it for sale this time? It can be a drain on you - physically and emotionally. Prayers lifted. Take care of that knee.
ReplyDeleteI am in little pain now....4 days later. It is controllable. I am annoyed that I have to miss the church study session on Jean Vanier and L'Arche community which is our Advent study. I added the pictures above though and figured out what I was doing incorrectly. Thanks for your prayers. The pain is ebbing.
DeleteJust trying to catch up with everybody. For some reason I don't find it so easy to keep tabs on everyone's blogs, but there, I'm here now. I don't know, Karyn, turn my back for a minute and you injure yourself. I hope you're doing OK now seriously; it can be so disrupting when you can't get around as well as you used to. Sorry I missed your birthday too; Multiply used to tell me when everyone's birthday came round. I know what you mean about age though; I am the same age as you, but only 35 mentally. I have just had to be stopped climbing a ladder to wallpaper the stairwell. She says I shouldn't do that anymore.
ReplyDeleteI clicked reply, under your comment, but don't know if folk get my comments back if they don't come back here to check. Did you get an alert somewhere that I responded? I don't miss the birthday alerts as it is nobody's business anyhow. But I do wonder if my responses to your comments are given a siganl to you somewhere.?????//
DeleteI keep missing posts since I no longer get e-mails! Gosh, you turn your back for a moment and your friends are on crutches. Shakes head. I had to laugh at your description of the brace. It looks mighty familiar. Did you have a doctor check it out?
ReplyDeletedoctor ..... doctor???? in a small village in
DeleteActually we have one overworked lady doctor who came here last year from South Africa. She talked a married couple of doctor friends to emigrate and they will start in January. I knew I was on my own. Friends supplied crutches, and a leg brace and a nurse friend has come twice to give advice. Another friend adjusted the crutches for me. All I need now is the shower seat so I can have a proper cleaning after a week of old-fashioned sponge baths. My father-in-law used to say at cow camps that you wash up as far as possible, and down as far as possible, BUT dont' touch POSSIBLE. It was a cowboy joke. So how do I know if you read this????
Because I finally got around to checking in again and replying, :)