Wednesday, 16 April 2014

RV ing time again

It is time to start RV-ing again.  We do love our camping out in the wilds.
 Our storage policy for the winter ran out on the motorhome yesterday so we had to get regular insurance again and go get the unit from up above town and de-winterize it (flush the anti-freeze out of the tanks and lines) back down here in front of the B/B.  Our landlord kindly helped with that.  

We had taken it to a friend's farm late last November to just leave it to sit until Spring.  However a few days later the farm folk noticed a dent and shattered plastic stuff on the front grill.  The time frame is just a few days in late November before we flew to Ontario for Christmas with the grandgirls.  It had been hit by a black or dark blue object, maybe a hitch.  The people that deliver wood would have hit it higher in their bigger truck.
The hit also cracked out pieces on the passenger side of the bumper.  
The force of it popped the other driver's side open too.
Nobody will admit to backing into it which would be easy to do turning around on ice or backing up to go back down the drive and may not have been too noticed at the time by the driver.  But that little bump did a lot of expensive damage. The farm girls took pictures as soon as they saw it, and Insurance originally assured us we had 2 years to get the "hit and run" damage fixed.  That was good news as we can see a $1500 or more bill to get the repair done.  Nobody has admitted to the dent and the insurance now says they won't pay as somebody who lives there or a visitor must have done it and it should be covered by their insurance.  Sigh....  We have had too many mechanical bills this winter with pickup clutches and gear problems.  Our pensions won't carry all these extra expenses.  It is so discouraging when people don't use their integrity and report their own mistakes.   Maybe it was a hill-billy who didn't have insurance.  

Another worry is that Old Man Watching is back on Interferon drops in his eye as some 'cancer ruffles' are forming on his iris again. He will do them for two months and then get a check to see if he needs another operation.  It was very painful the last time, and he may refuse.  He says he is ready to die and tired of medical crapola.  

Our happy news though is that the birds are twittering and I am seeing so many different kinds of ducks in the lakes.  

The blossoming trees around the village are a delight too.
Everywhere I look, I see pink and white eye-candy.


  1. What a shame that no one is admitting wrong doing. That wasn't just a little bump! They had to hit your RV hard to cause that kind of damage. The dent and paint damage would be okay, but the split may cause water damage if you have to wait too long.

    So sorry to hear about the cancer showing it's ugly head again. I will be praying for your dear husband. I will also pray for the guilty party to the RV's damage. Maybe they will do the right thing.

    Beautiful flowers in your photos, and I know Spring is good for your soul. Hugs!!

  2. I keep waiting for somebody to 'fess' up about this and get the minor paper work done.

  3. Such a mean shame about your RV. Sorry you have had to cope with that; I was starting to be excited again when I saw the start of the blog too. Hope it can all be sorted soon.
