We are safely home on the western side of Canada now after a trip home with WestJet. The cardinal sightings were a special memory. I will try to pick about 10-12 photos or maybe more, of our favorite times in Ontario with the grandchildren before Christmas after we arrived on December the 11th. I already wrote about the Nutcracker Ballet we went to that had very Canadian nuances. So I can cross going to a ballet off of my Bucket list. I keep adding more than I cross off. I would really like to go to the Cook Islands.
Does anybody out there want to pay for me to go?
I also need a payer for a cruise around the north of Scotland and Ireland for bird watching.
So here are the other photos I will pluck from my files of things we did over the freezing-rain days with many Canadians in the Ontario area without hydro. Fortunately, we did not lose power at our son's house but the geo-thermal furnace pump did stop so they had to switch to electricity heat in the backup system, that is very expensive compared to their geo-thermal unit. Their sump pump in the basement that clears out stagnant water under the house also died. Then their dishwasher decided it was too old for Christmas. That was 3 expensive whammies. Our son paid for our flights out and the return trip back paid through his Airmiles account. We are glad he did that before all the break-downs.
The bathtime ritual got a little out of control in the photo below as suds and water overflowed the big tub.
During the last week of school I was invited to Jacklyn's class to make crafts with her, and to help one of her friends who didn't have a helper. All the instructions were in French but somehow I managed to figure out how to make some of the crafts with her. The teacher also served home-made cookies and warm apple cider.
Our youngest angel, Dana, was centre stage in the red dress for the school concert singing a French song about Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star en Francais.
Jacklyn also did a song in French as they go to a bilingual school. Then on the last day if school we went to the children's presentations of recitations at their Knox United Church near Russel where their parents were married.
We also took time to decorate mom's gingerbread cookies.
Jacklyn helped me cook one of our favorite dishes for everybody before the concert at the church. It is hamburger stew with mashed potatoes. Simple but yummy. She even peeled the potatoes to be mashed later.
We took our stocking bears and left them at their house as we only use them there, so it seems silly to keep taking them all that way in suitcases.
Ours were put on the mantle and were overflowing with goodies on Christmas morning. After school closed for the season we made cranberry sauce and shortbread cookies. Then we had to make another batch as they were disappearing so fast. Dana, 5, loves to see the cranberries popping as they cook and then turn to a beautiful dark red sauce.
Decorating the tree was exciting with all blue lights that looked lovely in the window at night, seen from the river road.
Shane made fresh pasta for lasagne one evening and playing games like Rummoli keeps the family entertained.
Auntie Linda sent a table centre.
On one of the milder days we went on a walk 2km to the bridge.
The fridge was so full we had to store the turkey out on the deck in its stainless roaster.
The Christmas Eve sunset was spectacular across the farming fields. 
Christmas Eve was a lovely service of lessons and carols with candles and anthems. But it is a 45 minute drive so we had to leave early. We were so blessed this year to be able to participate in so many joyous activities with our son's family before the big day.
I will close this now and do more about Christmas day and Boxing Day and the trip back to the west side of Canada tomorrow or whenever ?????????
Glad you had a great time with your grand daughters.
ReplyDeleteKaryn, I love the photos you shared with us, and that is a beautiful sunset! The girls are adorable, and it is so great that you could spend so much time with them, making sweet memories!
ReplyDeletewow! glad to see you having fun with your grandchildren :) they are cute and creative as well.... lovely photo karyn. thanks so much for your well wishes. hope it was a wonderful beginning for you this year. take care
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Looks as though you managed to have a good time, despite all the breakdowns. Happy New Year!