We began our westward trip home to the Pacific side of the continent by taking a 4 hour drive to the homestead of our niece and her family. We stayed there for a few day's rest on the way east. The first day it was raining but the temperature rose to 14 C. so when everybody was off the property I took a shower outside in the rain. The water is hot so it was a sheer delight.
Some of the low bushes were starting to turn red at the end of the field.
It was a busy weekend. #1 son drove up with his family, for a visit with cousins and to take in the hike and Farmer's Market and Art in the Forest and a concert one evening with the group Whitehorse. They were all impressed with the music, and I got children to play with all by myself. The first afternoon we were taken on a tour on ATVs around the second, new homestead they bought, and stopped at one of the small chain of lakes to see the wood duck boxes and beaver lodges.
The Art in the Forest walk is always a delight on a sunny Autumn day.
The ruby high-heeled slipper made out of glass beads fascinated Jacklyn.
They even insisted that I do it again and it was good for a laugh. Silly old lady.
The next day we drove away with Willie Nelson blasting out our RV windows as we crawled down the gravel drive, "On the Road Again". We camped that night about 5 hours drive away at Nippissing Lake. I captured a rainbow after a rainstorm. I hoped that is a good omen for our trip home.
A beautiful rainbow has to foretell good luck in your journey west! Love the photos you shared. I know you will miss those little ones as much as they will miss you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the information about the art walk and the tid-bits about the pioneers who settled there all those years ago.
Safe travels are wished for you!
Lovely Just lovely! Great rainbow too.
ReplyDeleteIt takes a long time to get out of Ontario. It is Canada's widest province.