Daffodils are finished here, but only 3 were blooming at the ranch. The rhodies are blooming all over town. We stay with my sister when we come to visit with the general MD. It is a fancy Bed and Breakfast and free for us too. Although we usually take her out one night for dinner. However, she loves to cook and being a widow takes any opportunity she can to feed folk. She feeds her handy man, Marcel, whenever he does work for her. Actually he is good company for her for a glass of wine by the pond in the late afternoon. Today he is installing a water filter in the basement. Chilliwack has lovely tasting water but the city fathers decided it should be chlorinated so sister was furious. She hates the taste in her tea. So Marcel was called in to improve the taste.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
back to civilization and the rain forest
We were in at Lee Creek Ranch for a week and then had to leave for a few days to go to Chilliwack near Vancouver for Old Man Watching to have his half hour complex care check. It is a five hour drive on mostly secondary holey roads. His blood pressure was good and his diabetes is under control. He picked up $400 worth of pills (our share after the insurance deduction) but that will keep him stable for 3 months so it is worth it. There is a big difference in the stages of Spring from the ranch to the coast. The magnolia that sister planted when our mother died in 1983, was in full bloom.
Daffodils are finished here, but only 3 were blooming at the ranch. The rhodies are blooming all over town. We stay with my sister when we come to visit with the general MD. It is a fancy Bed and Breakfast and free for us too. Although we usually take her out one night for dinner. However, she loves to cook and being a widow takes any opportunity she can to feed folk. She feeds her handy man, Marcel, whenever he does work for her. Actually he is good company for her for a glass of wine by the pond in the late afternoon. Today he is installing a water filter in the basement. Chilliwack has lovely tasting water but the city fathers decided it should be chlorinated so sister was furious. She hates the taste in her tea. So Marcel was called in to improve the taste.
Daffodils are finished here, but only 3 were blooming at the ranch. The rhodies are blooming all over town. We stay with my sister when we come to visit with the general MD. It is a fancy Bed and Breakfast and free for us too. Although we usually take her out one night for dinner. However, she loves to cook and being a widow takes any opportunity she can to feed folk. She feeds her handy man, Marcel, whenever he does work for her. Actually he is good company for her for a glass of wine by the pond in the late afternoon. Today he is installing a water filter in the basement. Chilliwack has lovely tasting water but the city fathers decided it should be chlorinated so sister was furious. She hates the taste in her tea. So Marcel was called in to improve the taste.
In and out of civilzation...a long catchup
It was 6:30 on Easter Monday and we were
both going into the old people mode. We are back living in our RV
for the spring and summer and probably until mid October or
Halloween. We are feeling our age and this setting up for camping
and packing boxes out to the motorhome was a pain. Literally a pain,
as my back was sore in the night. Part of that is from the fall I
had and the ligaments not working fully yet. It took us an extra day
to move out of the Blue Sage Bed and Breakfast, but the landlords
were so easy about it all. I had cleaned all the windows and
floors,vacuumed under and behind furniture, washed all the cobwebs
off of the walls in all the rooms, wiped out the kitchen cupboards
and fridge and stove etc etc etc as the King of Siam would say. So
maybe they could afford to be generous about an extra free day. I
tried to do one extra job or two each day over the last few weeks. I
planned on the calendar to wash the bedroom curtains and rehang them
all one day but needed a friend with 2 good legs to help. I made a
list and kept checking it off until my list was finished. I am an
inveterate list-maker. But a retirement party and Good Friday and
Easter Holy Week Services took up too much of our days and I think
the bottom line is that we are almost 76 and 69 and everything takes
longer to do, even folding the laundry. We were an hour away
heading to our first camping spot and campfire, when I remembered I
hadn't told the landlords that we had left the bedroom windows open
to air the rooms, and that none of the doors were locked. Goodbye
and I guess it isn't our problem any more. We worked hard to leave
the suite pristine.

Our first stop out of Ashcroft, took
about one and a half hours to drive to until we were set up and ready
to build a campfire. Marble Canyon Provincial Park is along-side of
two small turquoise lakes that are still partially frozen over. We
have camped here before and held our first Crones' Campout July
weekend here 5 years ago. Old Man was raised on a ranch on the
plateau above this area, and used to spend idyllic summer days with
his sister and brother riding their horses down to these three
chained lakes from their home halfway up the mountain. Old Man had a
pinto pony but no helmet or life jacket and often eschewed saddles.
He and his siblings just grabbed food and rode away for the day on
their horses. Nobody would worry about them unless they didn't show
up for dinner. These days their parents would be arrested for
negligence. Sometimes we might have too on our own ranches/farms as
we were busy and expected our children to be intelligent enough to
cope with life on their own if they weren't with us working. Amazing
.... they were smart enough to stay alive.
We were so happy to get into a site and
start a campfire and just sit in the sunshine that actually had some
Spring warmth. We had Marble Canyon campground to ourselves. We
talked and made plans and read and daydreamed while watching the
geese and ducks who have returned from their trip to Disneyland in
the south. Unfortunately, not much of the lakes are thawed yet. It
is Indian TV for us to watch the geese slide into a landing and slip
off the edge of the ice to float in the wee bit of water around the
lake's edges.
We did manage to BBQ a pork steak outside, but ate
inside where it was warmer. 

Then in the late evening the generator
power died to the house parts, so in the morning we had to hand crank
the slide-out back flush to the RV wall outside, and go to town to
see what was draining the batteries. They were new batteries too.
That cranking is like working
with an old Model T Ford and takes forever. Some blown fuses and
strained connections were fixed and batteries charged up and off we
went. But after Old Man's afternoon nap the power was gone again,
not in the motor but in the housing electric unit. So again we had
to hand crank the slider back flush to the wall. My shoulder and
right arm were sore that evening. We went back to the village a half
hour away and the same fellow looked at the batteries and boosted
them and is perplexed as the batteries are new. Dedicated RV service
centers are far away from us. We needed to solve this problem before
we went away back into the Lee Creek Ranch. We were also in a canyon
where there was no Internet or phone cell service so we couldn't
phone AAA.

On the third morning the electric
charge was still up so we carried on to Lillooet and were the only
campers at Fraser Cove where we have also stayed for a Crone's
Camping weekend a few years ago. The sturgeon fishermen entertained
us. We prefer Indian TV to real TV anyway. I found free campfire wood, so
was delighted to start a fire and sit in the sun and work on a new
prayer shawl.
Thursday April 4, 2013
Megan, the widow of cousin Layton, had
sent us a note on e-mail to say that the road into her ranch was
graded and logging trucks weren't using it yet. She had taken
Shorty, her 73
Friday and Saturday and Sunday
We settled in and hooked up electricity
and water on Friday. Megan took us for a tour to show us the hay
fields and water lines and irrigation system. She also took us to
the cattle feeding pens that needed clearing out. Old Man had to
shoot a horse for her and haul it away. She couldn't bring herself
to do it. She had already started harrowing so Old Man took over
that too for hours each day. All of these responsibilities on her
own must be over-whelming. She broke down in tears one evening
because she didn't know how to work a chainsaw. We will settle into
the rhythms of this chunk of earth over a few weeks.
Cousin Vicki and Ole drove 4 hours from
Vancouver to serve a turkey dinner as a late Easter treat. They made
French toast in the morning and went off home. They know Megan needs
her privacy. I try to check in at the big old house a few times a
day, and Old Man connects to talk about work. It is an isolated spot and we don't have Internet and my cell doesn't work. Megan has a satellite so we can connect if we have to. Here are some views of the ranch. Spring is in the air.
This is the view across the river from the main house. We drive down that road to Lillooet and then drive north on the west side of the river for 2 hours before getting here.
Monday, 1 April 2013
good bye
Easter Monday we will be "On the Road Again" with Willie Nelson playing on the CD as we pull out of town. We are leaving in the morning as soon as I clean out the fridge and we take out our personal grooming things to the RV that is parked outside. I am getting excited about it. Tomorrow night I hope to be poking sticks in a fire. It is a soothing thing to do. I really am a campfire girl and even love the smoke that follows me around the circle.
We had a wonderful Easter Day. It was uplifting to have forsythia and lilies again on the altar, after the 40 days of Lent where only greenery is used.
The church was full and we had our precious Father Dan to lead us through the service. (He only comes to our village a few times a month for Sunday services, so the lay people handle it all the other weeks). He has 4 parishes he works in and is in charge of Ministry Development, which means he helps train and encourage lay people to do priestly chores. He plays guitar and taught us lovely Mozambique and South American chants. The children were given rhythm instruments to keep the beat for us. Children love to get in on the ACTIONS.
Below is one of my Crone friends who rides around town in the better weather on her special bicycle. She brought me a crochet hook I had dropped on the floor at her house when we had our Friday Crones gathering for yakking, wine and appies. She has one leg that doesn't work well due to polio, and another that was damaged by an exploding glass bottle. She is a lovely, cheerful soul especially considering her trials. We are all so happy to be getting out our clam-digger pants and sandals these days
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